Flopzilla Pro is the one piece of poker software that I cannot live without. This Windows-only software allows you to explore hands and ranges in precise ways. Begin using Flopzilla to answer questions like:
- How often will J9s flop top pair or better?
- How often will KK see an Ace on the flop?
- How often does my opponent’s range hit a flush draw?
- How often will my opponent double barrel?
- What is my equity against their call-vs.-cbet range?
- And many others…
The SplitSuit Edition enhances this powerful software even further. Along with a lifetime license for two Windows computers, you also get my custom Flopzilla ranges to save tons of hours when studying your hands and building preflop ranges. I’ve also included two of my PRO videos that use Flopzilla to explore two common board types: paired boards & and low boards.
Whether you are completing one of my poker workbooks or looking to make your off-table workflow more efficient, Flopzilla is the perfect tool for finding answers to 90% of your poker questions.
Non-License Edition:
Many players who already own Flopzilla Pro have requested the ranges + video content. If you do not need a license for Flopzilla Pro, but do want my custom ranges and videos, choose the “No License” option in the dropdown (or use this link) for a reduced price.