Poker HUD Stats Glossary & Meanings

Your poker HUD is an amazing tool – but with so many stats to choose from (and even more available in the popup) they can become quite confusing. In my 6max workbook you will find lots of stats – so many that I needed to create an entire glossary dedicated to them. So this is directly from the back of the book and it:

  • Shares the shorthand for the stat
  • A quick definition for that stat
  • And related stats when applicable

If you are brand-new to HUDs and don’t fully understand even the basic stats – please read my Getting Started With HUD Stats article first and it will clear things up nicely.

And with that said, enjoy!

3BET: How often a player 3bets preflop. See the glossary for more information on 3bets.

4BET+: How often a player 4bets, 5bets, 6bets, etc. when given the opportunity preflop.

AF: Aggression factor. A ratio of how often a player takes an aggressive action vs a passive action. The formula is (bets + raises)/calls. A high number implies most of their actions are aggressive. This book only shows total AF, and not per street AF.

AFq: Aggression frequency. This is a percentage of non-checking postflop actions that were aggressive.  For example, an AFq of 60 means a player made a bet or raise 60% of the time he bet, raised, called, or folded. This book only shows total AFq, and not per street AFq.

ATS: Attempt to steal. How often a player open-raised from the CO, button, or SB when given the opportunity.

BET F: How often a player bet the flop when given the opportunity.

BET R: How often a player bet the river when given the opportunity.

BET T: How often a player bet the turn when given the opportunity.

C2BET: How often a player called a preflop 2bet. This includes calling open-raises and isolation raises.

Cv3BET: How often a player called a preflop 3bet. This book only shows how often they called the 3bet when they had previously put money in the pot.

CvATS: How often a player called when facing a steal (also see ATS).

CvFCB: How often a player calls a flop continuation bet (also see FCB)

FCB: How often a player continuation bet the flop when given the opportunity after being the final raiser preflop.

FCBi3BP: How often a player continuation bet the flop after 3betting preflop.

FCR: How often a player check-raised the flop when given the opportunity.

FDONK: How often a player donk bet the flop (by betting into the preflop aggressor). (also see Leads in the glossary)

FFLOAT: How often a player bets the flop in position after the preflop aggressor fails to continuation bet.

Fv3BET: How often a player folded when facing a preflop 3bet. This book only shows how often they folded vs the 3bet when they had previously put money in the pot.

FvATS: How often a player folded when facing a steal (also see ATS).

FvFBET: How often a player folded when facing a bet on the flop.

FvFCB: How often a player folded when facing a flop continuation bet.

FvFCBi3B: How often a player folded facing a flop continuation bet in a 3bet pot.

FvRBET: How often a player folded when facing a bet on the river.

FvRCB: How often a player folded when facing a river continuation bet.

FvRS: How often a player folded when facing a resteal (also see RS).

FvTBET: How often a player folded when facing a bet on the turn.

FvTCB: How often a player folded when facing a turn continuation bet.

IP: In-position. Some stats will have an IP qualifier that means the stat is only looking at opportunities where they were in-position on that street.

LIMP-C: How often a player limps and then calls a preflop raise.

LIMP-F: How often a player limps and then folds facing a preflop raise.

LIMP-RR: How often a player limps and then re-raises facing a preflop raise.

OOP: Out-of-position. Some stats will have an OOP qualifier that means the stat is only looking at opportunities where they were out-of-position on that street.

PFR: Preflop Flop Raise. How often a player raises preflop given the opportunity. This ranges from 0-100, where higher numbers mean a player is raising tons of pots preflop.

RCB: How often a player continuation bet the river when given the opportunity after being the final preflop raiser and betting the flop and turn.

RCR: How often a player check-raised the river when given the opportunity.

RDONK: How often a player donk bet the river (by betting into the turn aggressor)

RFI: How often a player open-raised preflop. This is sometimes shown by position (e.g. EP RFI) which shows how often they open-raised from that specific position given the opportunity.

RS: How often a player 3bet against a steal attempt

RvFCB: How often a player raises after facing a flop continuation bet

RvRCB: How often a player raises after facing a river continuation bet (triple barrel)

RvTCB: How often a player raises after facing a turn continuation bet (double barrel)

SQZ: How often a player squeezes preflop. (also see Squeeze in the glossary)

TCB: How often a player continuation bet the turn when given the opportunity after being the final raiser preflop and betting the flop.

TCR: How often a player check-raised the turn when given the opportunity.

TDONK: How often a player donk bet the turn (by betting into the flop aggressor)

VPIP: Voluntarily Put $ In Pot. How often a player voluntarily puts money into the pot given the opportunity. This ranges from 0-100, where higher numbers mean a player is involved in tons of pots.

W$SD: Win $ At Showdown. How often a player won some money the times they got to showdown.

WTSD: Went To Showdown. How often a player saw showdown given they saw the flop.

What would you do if you knew EXACTLY what your opponent had when he 3bet you preflop? How would you feel if you knew the precise range your opponent double barreled you with?

Complete the 40 exercises in this workbook built specifically for 6max players and start answering those questions (and tons more) before your timebank even starts...


My name is James "SplitSuit" Sweeney and I'm a poker player, coach, and author. I've released 500+ videos, coached 500+ players, and co-founded the training site Red Chip Poker. Contact me if you need any help improving your poker game!

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