How often do certain flop types occur? What if you hold two cards that block that kind of flop texture? Thanks to Flopzilla Pro’s new flop breakdown tool, you can answer questions like this with ease. To learn how to use this tool, push play and I’ll walk you through it.
This kind of analysis used to only be available in tools like Flop Falcon, but now you are one click away from doing this exploration with Flopzilla Pro. Just click the little 3 bar icon next to the dead cards skull when you have no board added.
The flop breakdown UI is broken into 4 columns, each focusing on one type of flop texture. This includes:
Now you can filter to your heart’s content. If you are using this tool alongside my new Postflop Workbook to analyze how often certain flop textures occur, you can filter each applicable column. So if you are doing Page #39: Question #2 which asks “how often is the flop Ace-high and unpaired?” you would de-select the paired and trip flop columns since you are only interested in the unpaired types.
Then, you would modify the flop values below and only selected an Ace for the top row (the highest card on the board) and select all cards for the second and third column (the middle and lowest cards on board). At this point, take a look at the flop selections in the bottom of the UI to ensure every texture meets the qualifications you just added.
Once you are satisfied, grab the % number at the bottom of the column and there is your answer. In this case, the flop will be Ace-high and unpaired 19% of the time.
To go a step further, you can also add your hole cards to the dead cards section on the right. If you keep the same filters and add AK to the dead cards, you see this texture now only comes up 15% of the time. And if you have no blockers (like when holding 99), this texture occurs 20% of the time.
You could certainly modify this further (for instance, looking at the gaps between each board card, deselecting monotone textures, etc.), but this is the basic idea for utilizing the flop breakdown tool. It will help you get the answers quickly for this section of The Postflop Workbook and also develop an objective understanding for how often different textures arise.
Happy exploring!
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