Free Pot Odds Calculator (+Implied Odds)

Odds in poker can be a bit…odd. So, let’s break down pot odds and implied odds and give you a free pot odds calculator so you can quickly calculate these on your own. Or skip ahead to the tool for you:

Pot Odds Poker Calculator

If you are new to pot odds, I suggest watching this quick pot odds poker video to get up to speed. It’s only 5 minutes long and breaks the term down simply. If you are comfortable with the concept, you can use this calculator to show the ratio and equity requirement when you are facing a bet.

Just update the top two fields (the size of the bet you are facing and the size of the pot) and the ratio & equity requirement get automatically populated for you.

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When facing bets and raises in poker, you are always getting odds. This is why you can profitably continue even if you do not rate to have the best hand right at this moment.

Pot odds simply compare the size of the bet you have to call to the size of the pot. They are a mathematical expression of risk and reward that can then be used to make better plays both preflop and postflop.

Whenever you see a statement like “I am getting 2:1 on a call” you are seeing pot odds expressed as a simplified ratio. Essentially, the number left of the colon is the reward, and the number right of the colon is your risk. In the event of getting 2:1 on a call, you are risking 1 unit to win 2 units.

Keep in mind that the size of their bet is included in the current size of the pot.

You can then take this ratio and find the equity requirement for continuing profitably.

Simply take Risk / (Risk + Reward) and the number you get is how much equity your hand needs to have in order to make calling profitable.

In the event of getting 2:1 pot odds, you would take 1/(1+2) and see that you need at least 33% equity to continue. If your hand’s equity is higher than 33%, you would continue (either by calling or raising). If your hand’s equity is lower than 33%, you would want to consider future playability and implied odds before you automatically muck your hand.

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Do you shy away from the math even though you know it would help you play better poker? If yes, this workbook will help you memorize the key formulas, internalize the calculations, and build your intuition to make better decisions at the table.

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Betting & Pot Odds Calculator

It is also important to understand that your opponent gets pot odds whenever you bet or raise.

By thinking ahead and considering the pot odds your bet size would offer your opponent, you can be proactive in offering them unfavorable pot odds – whether you are trying to bluff more often or value bet. Just plug in your bet size and the pot size BEFORE you bet to see the pot odds ratio and equity requirement your opponent would be getting.

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This might lead you to ask “Which odds should I focus on when betting? The pot odds I am offering, or the breakeven % of my bet?” I did a short YouTube video on this years ago called “Which Odds Do I Focus On?” that I would suggest watching. My beard may be much smaller in that video, but the answer is still spot-on.

Not sure what BE% is? This guide explains the breakeven percentage in poker.

Strategies For Using Pot Odds In Different Situations

Comprehending pot odds is a fundamental skill in poker, but as the game evolves, so do the scenarios that players face. Advanced strategies for pot odds go beyond the basics, as players will find themselves in tough spots:

Multi-Way Pots

More players contribute to the pot in multi-way pots, making calculations trickier.
When multiple opponents are involved, calculating the odds of completing a drawing hand becomes difficult. Factor in the number of players, potential draws, and the strength of your hand. Adjust your calculations based on the likelihood of facing bets from multiple players.

Different Betting Structures

Betting structures vary, including fixed-limit, pot-limit, and no-limit games. Pot odds change dynamically with the betting structure, influencing your decision-making. Adapt your approach based on the specific structure. In no-limit games, for instance, consider stack sizes and potential implied odds. In fixed-limit games, be mindful of the capped betting, limiting potential gains.

Implied Odds

Evaluating not only the current pot odds but also the potential future gains from opponents.
Predicting opponents’ actions and estimating additional chips you might win if your drawing hand improves. Players should consider implied odds when facing opponents likely to invest more chips in preceding betting rounds. Balancing risk and reward becomes crucial, especially in scenarios where the pot odds alone may not justify a call.

Reverse Implied Odds

Anticipating potential losses even if your drawing hand improves. Recognizing situations where hitting your draw might complete a stronger hand for an opponent. Exercise caution when completing your draw, which could inadvertently improve an opponent’s hand. Consider the overall strength of the potential winning hand, not just your own.

Common Pot Odds Mistakes

Understanding and effectively applying pot odds and implied odds is crucial for success in poker, but it is common even for experienced players to make mistakes.

One common mistake is miscalculating pot odds by overlooking the cumulative effect of multiple betting rounds. Players may focus solely on the immediate odds without considering the potential bets in subsequent rounds, leading to poor decisions. It’s vital to project how the hand might unfold and factor in implied odds when deciding whether to call or fold.

Players should not over-rely on pot odds without considering opponents’ playing styles. Ignoring opponents’ tendencies may misjudge the likelihood of extracting additional chips in future rounds. A solid understanding of the opponents’ behavior enhances the accuracy of implied odds assessments.

Furthermore, many players neglect the impact of stack sizes on implied odds. Failing to account for your opponent’s remaining chips can result in poor decisions. A small stack may limit the potential for extracting additional chips, affecting the overall value of pursuing a drawing hand.

Simply put, here are some of the most common mistakes:

  1. Miscounting Outs:

    • Thinking both your overcards are clean outs when they may not be.
    • Double-counting outs when multiple draws exist (e.g., flush + straight).
  2. Ignoring Reverse Implied Odds (RIO):

    • Calling with a dominated draw where hitting your hand still loses (e.g., drawing to a flush when your opponent likely has a higher flush draw).
  3. Not Considering Future Betting Rounds:

    • Calling early street bets without realizing another large bet is coming on the river, reducing implied odds.
  4. Forgetting Equity Shifts in Multiway Pots:

    • If multiple players are involved, your equity might drop significantly and RIO can also increase when you hold dominated draws.

💡 Key takeaway: Pot odds aren’t just about math—they’re about correctly assessing risk and reward.

Implied Odds Poker Calculator

Often you will face bets or raises that offer you incorrect pot odds to continue. But instead of immediately throwing your hand into the muck, you should consider the implied odds. Essentially, implied odds gauge how much money you can expect to win the times your hand improves.

You can use this free tool to figure out how much extra you need to make on the next street to make your immediate call OK. Just enter how often your hand will improve to the winner, the current pot size after they bet, and the size of the bet you are facing.

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The formula for implied odds is this:

= [(1/Eq)*C] – (P+C)

Where C is how much you have to call right this moment, P is the size of the pot after your opponent bets, and Eq is how often you will improve to a winning hand vs. their betting range. The answer is how much you need to win on future streets to offset getting immediately incorrect pot odds. (Hint, if the resulting calculation is negative, it means you already have correct pot odds to continue.)

Read this entire guide if you are new to the concept of ranges in poker.

But this may be too cumbersome to do at the tables.

Another method, and this is the one that I personally use, is to compare ratios. Take a simple example where you are facing a $10 bet into a $10 pot. You are getting 2:1 pot odds, but suspect you only have 25% equity. So you would really need to be getting 3:1 pot odds to make this call correct given the equity of your hand.

The shortcut is to find the gap between the first numbers and multiply that by the bet you are facing. In this example, there is a gap of 1 between the 2 and 3, and if you multiply 1*$10 you see that you need to make $10 extra dollars later in the hand to make this an acceptable call.

Whichever method you use to calculate implied odds is fine. Just remember that the more you practice doing these calculations, the easier it will be to make proper estimations at the table.

The Limitations Of Pot Odds Calculators

Pot odds calculators in poker help players make informed decisions. While these tools offer quick insights into probabilities and potential outcomes, their applicability depends on different scenarios. Novice players often benefit from frequent use to grasp fundamental concepts and build confidence in their choices. However, as skills evolve, a strategic balance emerges.

Over-reliance on calculators can inadvertently stifle the development of intuition and adaptability. Knowing when to transition from automated assistance to manual calculation is crucial for a player’s growth. Manual analysis can provide a deeper understanding of the game dynamics in complex scenarios, fostering a more nuanced decision-making process.

Furthermore, recognizing the calculators’ limitations is crucial. Pot odds calculators are excellent in quantifying probabilities but might miss vital psychological aspects or opponent tendencies. Savvy players integrate these tools strategically, enhancing their tactical arsenal without sacrificing the game’s human element.

Why Are These Odd Calculators Different?

If you are newer to poker calculators, you might be confused as to why the bettor is getting different odds when betting compared to the player facing the bet. 

The simple answer is that the bettor is risking their bet to win the pot right that moment. On the other hand, the player facing the bet is risking chips to win the original pot PLUS the bettor’s bet. So inherently, both players will be offered different odds.

I might suggest watching this video to wrap your head around the bettor’s math since it’s imperative to understand the math behind firing bets and raises in poker.

Want More Poker Tools?

You can download my collection of poker spreadsheets, tools, and calculators today. They are a name-your-own-price product, and yes, you can enter $0 and get them for free. But if you throw in a few chips you’ll get all of the tools + my “Playing One Pair Hands” PRO video + over $200 in discounts. As usual, when you support me – I support you even more!


My name is James "SplitSuit" Sweeney and I'm a poker player, coach, and author. I've released 500+ videos, coached 500+ players, and co-founded the training site Red Chip Poker. Contact me if you need any help improving your poker game!

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