The Flop Texture Tool

How often do certain flop types occur? What if you hold two cards that block that kind of flop texture? Thanks to Flopzilla Pro’s new flop breakdown tool, you can answer questions like this with ease. To learn how to use this tool, push play and I’ll walk you through it.

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Poker Fish Tank

Don’t Tap The Fish Tank

Let me ask you a question: in which of these situations are you more likely to earn profits? In your first 2 orbits at the table, you count 9 limps made from various players, most pots are multi-way in a single raised pot and people get to showdown with one pair while

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Crushing Fishy Poker Tables

Fishy tables are typically your most profitable kind of poker table. Lots of players who are making massive strategic mistakes allow you to play a simple strategy that allows them to beat themselves. And while you could implement a simple style that makes some money, there are some key areas that you

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Are Old Poker Videos Useless?

“Are old poker videos still relevant?” This was a question I received a while back, and to be honest, it’s a great one. I’ve been creating poker training videos for about a decade, and it’s totally valid to ask if videos posted in 2014 or 2018 are even worth watching at this

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Implied Odds

Implied Odds In Poker

Implied odds are a term that most poker players are aware of, but very few truly know what they are. You will hear players cite implied odds as their reasoning for making questionable plays, but ask them what they are, and they slink back in their chair.  So let’s fully break down

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