
Free Pot Odds Calculator (+Implied Odds)

Odds in poker can be a bit...odd. So, let's break down pot odds and implied odds and give you a…

2 months ago

GTO Poker & Equity Distribution

When delving into advanced poker strategy, two terms frequently emerge: Game Theory Optimal (GTO) and equity. While both concepts are…

8 months ago

Free Poker Spreadsheets

Poker contains a lot of repetitive math, especially when studying poker hands away from the table. While you can use…

11 months ago

7 Poker Calculators Every Player Should Use (Plus Downloads!)

There are countless advanced tools for studying poker, but sometimes a simple poker calculator is all you need. So I've…

3 years ago

The Most Important Poker HUD Stat: VPIP

The most important poker HUD stat is VPIP, hands down.  VPIP, short for voluntarily put money in pot, is a…

4 years ago

The Flop Texture Tool

How often do certain flop types occur? What if you hold two cards that block that kind of flop texture?…

4 years ago

Setting Up Your Poker HUD Stats

A HUD is a very helpful tool that is unique to online poker that helps us visualize real-time data about…

5 years ago

How To Use Equilab Poker Software

Equilab is poker software that 90% of players are using to do in-depth equity calculations, explore ranges, and save hundreds…

5 years ago

Why Your Poker Mindset Matters

Your poker mindset and the way you process challenges during and between sessions is a major determinant of your longterm…

5 years ago

The EV Of 3-Bet Shoving Preflop (With Examples!)

Aggressive poker is winning poker. But still, most players aren't super comfortable going all-in preflop with less-than-premium hands. This is…

6 years ago