Advanced Poker Strategy

Playing LAG: Loose Aggressive Poker

One of the bigger things I get when I coach students is the consideration of playing a LAG poker style.…

4 years ago

The EV Of 3-Bet Shoving Preflop (With Examples!)

Aggressive poker is winning poker. But still, most players aren't super comfortable going all-in preflop with less-than-premium hands. This is…

6 years ago

C-Betting Bluffs On Multi-Way Flops

You raise preflop and unexpectedly get multiple callers. Now you see a flop and totally miss. Should you c-bet the…

6 years ago

10 Hard Poker Hands

Some poker hands are easy, and you know exactly what to do with them. But there are some hard poker…

6 years ago

A River Decision: Bet Or Check?

Today we're going to go through a quiz that I posted earlier on YouTube. First, thanks to Will for sending…

7 years ago

Draws Love Fold Equity

Is there anything more exciting than flopping a draw with heaps of outs? The more often you play hands like…

7 years ago

Studying Tournament Poker

You have been playing well for hours and finally make the final table of a tournament. This is an opportunity…

8 years ago

Poker Work: Getting More From Every Exploration

Over the last year I have released three poker workbooks. These are first-of their kind workbooks that guide you through…

8 years ago

When Is Ace-High Good Enough To Call Down?

Ace-high is always tricky. Any Ace-high hand, even Ace King, is going to miss the flop completely and end up…

8 years ago

Are Poker Workbooks Right For You?

My goal, when I started creating these workbooks, was to help players like you develop your hand reading skill set…

8 years ago