So I’ve been a little quiet recently…or at least when it came to updating this site. The main reason is that I’ve been hard at work on another project. A project that compliments this site while offering something refreshing to the poker video market. And with that, I introduce Poker Crash Course!
My goal with Poker Crash Course (PCC) was to create poker training videos for busy poker players. The poker video market has been heavily dominated by long videos (30-60 minutes)…hell, 99% of the 100+ videos I’ve made over the last couple years have been that long. And the truth of the matter is, most people don’t have the time to watch a video that long. When you factor in the other time that poker consumers (hours of playing, hours of studying poker sessions using PT4/HM, forums, etc.)…there really isn’t a ton of free time for super long videos.
And that’s what I aim to fix with PCC. The goal was to create shorter videos (4-10 minutes) that focus more on a single topic and dive right into the material. But when do we often find ourselves with these slivers of free-time? On lunch breaks, between classes, in the loo, and on the couch after work. And if you are anything like me, you probably don’t have your main computer available during any of those activities. So all of the videos made for PCC were created in a format that plays on most mobile devices, cell phones, tablets, iPads, etc. Now you can brush up on a particular poker skill quicker and more conveniently than ever before!
Just because the videos are shorter doesn’t mean that I spared any quality when it came to content or editing. I still use my high-quality editing style including callouts and on-screen text to highlight important concepts and make the videos as engaging as possible. And the content is something I’m particularly proud of. Trying to condense complex and expansive poker concepts into a shorter video isn’t an easy task, but these videos do just that while keeping novice and advanced players in mind. I also do my best to define jargon throughout videos to ensure players are able to follow along more easily…but let’s be honest, someone could write an entire book on poker jargon =)
The last aspect of this project is the price point. My normal video on this site sells for $15-$25, but that didn’t seem like a fair price point for shorter videos. So I decided to try something new and price the videos really low…at just $5/video! I feel this price point is excellent whether you are a new player trying to learn the game from scratch, a grinder looking to sharpen his skills, or an advanced player trying to refine his win-rate. Learning to play poker shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg, and at $5 you can afford to buy a nice collection of videos to help improve your poker strategy!
So that is my new project in a nutshell. Click here if you are interested in getting a free Poker Crash Course video. And if you have any questions or thoughts, I’m all ears.
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