How Can I Help You Play Better Poker?

Poker seems simple, but making serious money from it is tough. My goal is to help you play better poker right away and become a tough opponent at any table. I’ve worked with 500+ students, made tons of videos and released multiple best-selling books, and if you’re prepared to put in some hard work, I’ll be right there alongside you.

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Losing poker players can be easily identified by the 5 actions we discuss in this video. These behaviors, including their fishy thought processes and lack of a comprehensive poker strategy, all but guarantee that they won’t be successful in the long run. If you’re making any of these errors, I highly suggest watching until the end.

The Lastest Poker Articles

Unnatural Bluffs In Poker

Bluffing is a core skill in poker, but not all bluffs are the same. Some bluffs feel obvious—busted draws, missed overcards, and clear air hands that have no chance of winning at showdown. These are natural bluffs, and most players instinctively use them. But what happens when those hands don’t really exist? […]

Top 10 Poker Podcasts (Updated 2025)

Over the years, podcasts have become a hit, and you can find plenty of them in any niche. Poker is no exception, and there are regular poker podcasts that provide valuable content. Whether it is about strategy, news, or anything else, you can learn a lot and have fun at the same […]

Poker Ranges & Range Reading

The ability to identify and read poker ranges is one of the most important skills a player can have. Poker is a game of incomplete information, and we will almost never know exactly which two hole cards our opponent has. But with logical deduction and strong technical knowledge, we can build our […]

Live Poker Cash Game Truths

Live cash game poker is a totally different beast compared to playing online. Between the slower pace, the addition to physical tells, and the size of the games, live poker really is unique. As someone who has been playing poker for almost 20 years, including over a million hands online, I wanted […]

Free Pot Odds Calculator (+Implied Odds)

Odds in poker can be a bit…odd. So, let’s break down pot odds and implied odds and give you a free pot odds calculator so you can quickly calculate these on your own. Or skip ahead to the tool for you: Pot Odds Calculator (Facing Bets) Offering Pot Odds Calculator (Making Bets) […]

Running It Twice In Poker

The first time I heard about “running it twice” was watching an episode of High Stakes Poker. Two players agreed to run multiple river cards, and suddenly, there were two rivers instead of one, pots getting chopped, and a bunch of excitement around the table. I didn’t understand it at the time, […]

Do You Need Some Poker Tools?

Download the collection of my best poker spreadsheets. This is a name-your-own-price download so you can get them for free by entering $0. Or, throw a few chips my way and I’ll send you over $200 in discounts AND one of my PRO videos. Your call!

Who Is SplitSuit?

Welcome to! My name is James Sweeney (although I go by SplitSuit and *Split* just the same) and I’ve been playing poker since 2004 and coaching poker since 2008. Over that time I’ve primarily played online full ring cash games (up to 200NL) and live cash games ($1/$2-$5/$10), but I’ve also played 6max, MTTs, some SNGs, and even PLO8.

I created this site back in 2008, and while the style has certainly changed many times over, the concept is still the same. To share poker strategy, centralize cash game poker material, and be one of the best poker sites to help players all over the world. While you can find a million sites online for casino reviews, ratings, opinions, games, and bonuses – all you will find here are in-depth strategy videos, guides, and products to help take your game to the next level.

Over the last 12 years, I created more than 500 poker videos, coached over 500 students, and even wrote a best-selling full ring poker book focused on gambling and winning online…so it’s been busy to say the least. With that said, take some time to explore the site, watch a free poker video, and maybe check out one of my courses. If you have any questions feel free to contact me, otherwise good luck and happy grinding!

Want even more details? Read the complete about me page.

My Favorite Poker Guides

Poker Folds Correctly


Honestly, most players fold way too often. I break down where players go wrong with folding, show you some examples, and help you become less nitty without being fishy.

Small Ball Poker Strategy


Even though small ball is a popular playstyle, there are many inherent issues with this strategic approach. Let’s analyze the good, bad, and ugly of this style together.

Should You Balance Poker


While many coaches and players are focused on trying to emulate GTO solvers, I think striving for balance will massively harm your winrate. Let me explain exactly why.

week-long poker study guide


Start studying my best courses like The Hand Reading Lab and The One Percent to start seeing the game from a technical perspective. Take a FREE one-week trial today to get immediate access to over $2,000 in training, homework & answers, and my private Discord server. Study as much as you want, cancel whenever you’ve finished, and make 2025 your best poker year yet.

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